Is this for you?

  • Introducing our exclusive "Perfect Walk" program, ideal for those seeking to enhance their active lifestyle or looking to enjoy a Sunday stroll comfortably alongside their beloved canine companion. Tailored for individuals eager to achieve the pinnacle of walking harmony, our program empowers you to enjoy leisurely strolls with your dog without the discomfort of being pulled around the neighborhood, ensuring a pleasant and dignified experience for both you and your furry friend. Join us in mastering "the perfect walk," where every step is a testament to the bond and partnership between you and your four-legged companion.


  • Loose Leash Walking - Teaching a dog to walk calmly beside their handler with a slack leash, without pulling or lunging. This skill is typically taught through positive reinforcement methods, where the dog is rewarded for walking politely without tension on the leash. Loose leash walking promotes better communication between the dog and handler, fosters a more enjoyable walking experience, and enhances the bond between them.
  • On Leash Heel- Teaching a dog to walk closely beside the handler's left or right leg while on a leash. The dog is expected to match the handler's pace, maintain a consistent position, and focus attention on the handler. This skill is often taught through leash pressure training and positive reinforcement techniques. An on-leash heel is commonly used in obedience training and is particularly useful for activities such as dog sports, competitive obedience, or navigating busy environments.




This package is priced at $200 for the eight week. After the initial assessment, which is free of charge, a $50 deposit is required to secure your spot once an agreement is reached. Subsequently, a minimum payment of $50 is due before each class, provided the base rate has not yet been paid in full. This payment structure ensures flexibility and affordability while prioritizing your dog's training needs. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you and your furry companion!