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Introducing "Puppy Essentials," a comprehensive program tailored for puppies aged eight weeks to six months, designed to equip new pet parents with the tools for nurturing a well-behaved, enjoyable, and mannerly puppy. This program addresses crucial aspects of puppy development, including bite inhibition, potty training, crate training, and socialization techniques. By focusing on these fundamental areas, we ensure a smooth transition into a harmonious and fulfilling relationship between you and your furry companion. Join us in laying the groundwork for your puppy's journey to becoming a happy, confident, and well-adjusted adult dog.


  • Create Training- involves teaching a dog to feel comfortable and secure in a crate or kennel. This training method uses positive reinforcement techniques to encourage the dog to voluntarily enter the crate and remain inside for short periods of time. Crate training serves multiple purposes, including providing the dog with a safe and comfortable den-like space, aiding in house training by limiting access to the home when unsupervised, and facilitating travel or confinement in certain situations. Crate training can also help reduce anxiety and destructive behaviors in dogs by giving them a designated area to retreat to when they need a break or feel overwhelmed.
  • Potty Training- refers to the process of teaching a dog where and when it is appropriate to urinate and defecate. This training typically involves establishing a regular schedule for bathroom breaks, taking the dog to designated potty areas, and rewarding them for eliminating in the correct spot. Potty training also includes teaching the dog to signal when they need to go outside, as well as managing their environment to prevent accidents indoors. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key components of successful potty training.
  • Biting Prevention- involves teaching puppies to inhibit their biting behavior and use their mouths gently. This training is crucial because puppies explore the world with their mouths and may inadvertently cause harm with their sharp teeth during play. Techniques for biting prevention include redirecting the puppy's attention to appropriate chew toys, providing feedback to discourage biting too hard, and teaching the "leave it" or "gentle" command to encourage softer mouthing. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are essential for effectively teaching puppies appropriate biting behavior.
  • Proper socialization- refers to the process of exposing a puppy or dog to a variety of people, animals, environments, and experiences in a positive and controlled manner. The goal of socialization is to help the dog develop confidence, learn to communicate appropriately with others, and become well-adjusted and comfortable in various situations. This includes interactions with people of different ages, genders, and ethnicities, as well as exposure to other dogs, animals, noises, sights, and surfaces. Proper socialization during the critical developmental period, typically between 3 weeks and 14 weeks of age, is essential for preventing fear, anxiety, and aggression issues later in life. Socialization should be done gradually, with care taken to ensure the dog's safety and comfort throughout the process.




This package is priced at $400 for the eight week. After the initial assessment, which is free of charge, a $50 deposit is required to secure your spot once an agreement is reached. Subsequently, a minimum payment of $50 is due before each class, provided the base rate has not yet been paid in full. This payment structure ensures flexibility and affordability while prioritizing your dog's training needs. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you and your furry companion!